Meditatives Musizieren

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Here are five (of even more!) benefits:

  • Stress reduction: Meditative music making is a great way to relax and alleviate stress. Engaging in the creative process and focusing on creating soothing sounds helps calm the mind and promote a sense of peace and tranquility.
  • Mindfulness practice: Making music in a meditative way requires presence and mindfulness. It encourages you to be fully engaged in the present moment, focusing on the sounds you are creating and how they resonate with your own emotions and sensations.
  • Self-expression: Music has always been a powerful form of self-expression. Taking a meditative music making course allows you to explore your creativity and emotions through sound, providing a unique outlet for self-discovery and personal growth.
  • Enhanced well-being: Engaging in Meditative Music Making has been found to have positive effects on well-being, including improved mood, increased self-awareness, and a sense of fulfillment. It can be a holistic practice that nurtures mental, emotional, and even physical well-being.
  • Community and connection: Joining a Meditative Music Making course provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for music and mindfulness. It can foster a sense of community, support, and shared understanding among participants.

In short,  taking a Meditative Music Making course offers a variety of benefits: stress relief, mindfulness practice, self-expression, improved well-being, and a sense of belonging to a creative community.

playing together

…playing together

…playing for yourself and for other music lovers

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Katie Frisco
Katie Frisco “The Musician’s Mindset”

I wanted to reach out and tell you how important the replay of the Jan 15 class has been for me. I go through both the exercises and the meditation multiple times a week. The exercises really do support me before playing. And the meditation? It is INCREDIBLE. I love it so, so, so, so much. Truly. It is deeply powerful every time I go through it. Thank you for creating your program. …this free offering has been a game changer for me. Thank you for being so generous with your content and your time. Your work is having a deep impact on my daily life.

Nurse and Naturopath
Krankenschwester und Heilpraktikerin: 

Es war toll. Ich habe es sehr genossen! Es gibt eine Menge Ideen und Dinge, an denen man zwischendurch arbeiten kann. Vielen Dank dafür!

Ich mag die Yoga-Übung und das Schütteln. Ich merke, wenn ich das vor meiner Musikstunde mache, bin ich entspannter. Nur fünf oder zehn Minuten, um tief in die Lungen und den Bauch zu atmen, und die Dinge fließen besser.

Ich weiß, wie du arbeitest, und du bist sehr respektvoll und offen. Du hast eine Art, Menschen zu ermutigen und das Beste aus ihnen herauszuholen.

Mein Spiel hat sich wirklich verbessert.

It has helped me a lot. Being this creative with the music, I love it.
I feel rewarded just by doing it. I’m more balanced. I’m just a different person.

Flutist and Educator
Flötistin und Pädagogin:

You lighten up the room and are inspiring people to get in touch with the joy that is inherent in us all. You pull the joy out of them, that’s a gift you have. I know your story telling is inspiring us to look at our own humanness.
Du bist so inspirierend. Es war mir eine große Ehre, heute dabei zu sein. Du bist unglaublich!

Lorena, flutist and pianist
Lorena, flutist and pianist

Es war unglaublich heute! Ich habe in einer Welt voller ruhiger Klänge gesungen, wie inmitten eines Waldes! Danke für diese Meditation. ❤
Es hat Spaß gemacht!

Alice, singer and improviser
Alice, Sängerin und Improvisatorin.

I liked it very much!! It was a pleasant and wonderful energy in a nature with birds and other animals (from the slide show). I want to thank you. It was like the first time you enter a foreign world of music.
Es war absolut schön und interessant!

Professional violinist
Professional violinist

Ich habe jede Minute genossen!

Flutist and Coach
Flutist and Coach

I’m looking forward to the replays of your classes – you always offer So Much Value and I just love your teaching.

Musician and Scientist
Musician and Scientist

Thank you so much for the rewarding tasters 😊.
What fun we had, it was inspiring !!

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Meine Präsenz auf sozialen Medien

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