Singing Silence

Hover your mouse over the pictures for a description.

Habib and his bass guitar
Jorn and his cajon
with Miten
Tanzbrunnen, Cologne with Tanmayo
meditative Indian music with Manose
Singing for the Soul!
Heart Dance with Pratibha and Omesh
Indian head massage night!
at "Cologne Meditates"

“Singing Silence” a singing meditation

head up eyes closed


Singing opens the door to where our inner “secret beauty” lies – an invitation to dive into sound and silence where we effortlessly come home to ourselves.

With a mix of spiritual songs, mantras, music with a message, as well as instrumental pieces on keyboard, flutes and percussion, the music goes from mild to wild, soft to strong, from peaceful to a whirlwind of sound.

Everyone is welcome to sing along or to simply listen and let the power of the music carry you to your center.

Nandin has performed with many well-known musicians including Mantra and Singer-Songwriters Deva Premal and Miten, Manish Vyas, and Satyaa and Pari, as well as the New Age Musicians Shanitprem, Karunesh, Milarepa, Chinmaya Dunster, (Celtic/Indian); Bindhu, Prem Joshua (East West Crossover) and Harry Manx (Indian Blues Fusion). Thousands of people listen to her music weekly on Pandora Radio.

Listen to us on youtube (click on the pictures below):

playing the piano

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