Listen & Shop – Songs


Yes is the Answer

These songs were recorded live, on tour with Soham/Samarpan, and capture the vibrant quality of fun and aliveness that we find in his Satsang.  The instruments include keyboard, flute, guitars and percussion accompanying bhajans and mantras from India as well as songs with Sufi, African, Swedish and Danish flavours. The words are included in the booklet, so if you like songs, you will love this double CD.

The Universe Inside

This music serves as a mystic invitation to the universe inside of us. These songs and mantras spring from the well of centuries of traditions where the message of Truth and that which is beyond the mind is hinted at with music. (keyboard, flute, voice and guitar – a mostly solo CD with a little help from Nikhil)

Divine Landscapes

Timeless bhajans, mantras and songs to the Divine that help to still the mind and open the heart. You can sing along or simply play them as background music. Voices, flutes, guitars, polychord, Indian harp, sitar, tamboura, keyboard, bass and percussion make this music move from meditative to energetic!

Rest Here

Soham/Samarpan: “We sing mantras, and it just brings us into the moment. This is what the mantra singing touches in you – just THIS – the recognition of this sweetness – your own true center. It’s natural to fall in love with THIS.”

The deep rich soothing tones of Puja’s contralto voice accompanied by Nandin’s inventive harmonies bring the listener to a resting place within themselves – a place of meditation that is the natural outcome of singing devotional songs. These mantras come from a long tradition of spiritual practice in the east, and have a nourishing and calming effect on the body and mind. This mostly mantra CD gives the listener the opportunity to either simply be transported by the music, or sing along since the words and translations are included.

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