Listen & Shop – Instrumental & Voice

Instrumental plus Voice

From Here to Here

World Music, with instruments from East and West. Persian santour and drum, African kalimba and Indian tamboura as well as Western flutes, guitar, bass, keyboards and voices (including overtone singing!) This music moves from slow and meditative to rhythmic; a full spectrum of musical colours for body and soul.

Flute, guitar, keyboard, voice and percussion meet idyllically and playfully here, in a meditative atmosphere. Double CD.

Where We Meet

“Out beyond the ideas of right-doing or wrong-doing there is a field – I’ll meet you there.” (Jalaluddin Rumi)

“When we’re just playing, we’re in harmony with the Divine. So much beauty happens out of this play when someone is playing music. You get the energy of the play – freedom – dance. Just be in the middle of this warmth. It’s all around you. This is where we meet.”

Atmospheres in Music

Melodies from flute, harp, piano and voices float above wondrous sound-carpets creating a perfect atmosphere for meditation and relaxation.

Soham/Samarpan: “Just relax and listen to the music. The music carries us to the silence. It’s an invitation to the silence – an invitation to be here”.

Musicians: Nandin – flute, keyboard, voice | Premartha – keyboard, voice | Gabi – harp

This Beautiful Embrace

On this CD Nandin and other musicians play spontaneous music supporting a talk of Soham/Samarpan. Nandin has the talent to tune into meditative or healing spaces in a sensitive way to create beautiful support for example for guided meditations.
This recording is in English with German translation.


This is another CD where Nandin and other musicians play spontaneous music supporting a talk of Soham/Samarpan. This recording is also in English with German translation.

Touched by the Divine

The music on this CD is improvised on various themes, pouring out of the moments before and after Satsang with Soham/Samarpan. No real plan, just spontaneous overflow from this meeting in Truth together. Keyboards, flute, voice and guitar are the medium for this divine expression!

Musicians: Nandin – flute, keyboard, voice | Nikhil – guitar, voice | Premartha – keyboard

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